Valentine’s Day Top 10 List

I stared at the calendar and realized Valentine’s Day has just passed a few days ago. In no time I have come up with a new top ten list about this “special day”. So, here we go.

Top 10 things you don’t want to say to your girlfriend on Valentine’s Day:

10. “I got a discount on the bouquet of flowers.”

9. “My wife is waiting for me at home.”

8. “I met my ex last night already.”

7. “Would you like to share the cost of the dinner?”

6. “Let’s have our Valentine’s dinner at White Castle.”

5. “I’ve had better.”

4. “I’m gay!”

3. “V-Day actually means Victor’s Day.”

2. “If loving you is wrong, I don’t want to be wrong.”

1. “Why are you complaining? I prefer you to the other girlfriends!”

I wish you a happy Valentine’s Day next year.

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