Valentine’s Day Top 10 List Part 2

To mirror the previous Valentine’s Day Top 10 List, I have got another one to talk about what women might say on Valentine’s Day. Well, it has been more than a week since Valentine’s Day. If you think that this list is unseasonal, please read it next February.

Okay! Here we go!

Top 10 things you don’t want to hear from your girlfriend on Valentine’s Day:

10. “I got a larger bouquet at my office.”

9. “Can I take my mom to the dinner?”

8. “Are you still free? My first choice just canceled on me.”

7. “(When you give a ring to her) My boss gave me a ring at lunch and I said ‘yes’.”

6. “In terms of ‘masculinity’, you are like Hillary; in terms of ‘experience’, you are like Obama.”

5. “I’m a lesbian.”

4. “Your Top 10 lists suck!”

3. “Can I take my hubby to the dinner?”

2. “Your intelligence is only as good as George W.’s!”

1. “You are not really a ‘victor’ at night.”


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