George W. vs Ah Bien

Ah Bien had stepped down after being the leader of the island for 8 years. Our friend George W. is also going to step down soon after 8 years of presidency. So, it would be fun to compare these two “leaders”, for they both sucked one way or another. So, here we go:

George W. vs Ah Bien

Less than 50% of the voters had high hopes for Ah Bien 8 years ago when he was first elected.
More than 50% of the voters were disappointed 8 years ago when George W. was first elected.

Ah Bien was first elected because he won the hearts of the under-privileged.
George W. was first elected because he was lucky.

George W. was re-elected because of the lapse of judgment of more than 50% of the voters.
Same for Ah Bien.

Before the last election, Ah Bien and his sidekick were shot at.
After the last election, the sidekick of George W. shot at his friend.

Ah Bien’s land lost some friends because of the work of the People’s Republic.
George W.’s country lost many friends because of poor skills.

Ah Bien speaks the Minnan language well.
George W. does not speak the English language well.

Ah Bien is succeeded by a Ma.
George W. may be succeeded by an Oba Ma.

Under the rule of Ah Bien’s administration, the economy was quite bad and it is likely to turn better after his term.
Under the rule of George W.’s administration, the economy was so bad that it can only go up after his term.

Ah Bien worked hard to try to achieve his party’s goals.
George W. worked hard to plan his vacations.

And finally:
Ah Bien may be indicted after his term for being corrupt.
George W. will not be indicted because there is no law against stupidity.

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