Top Ten Rejected Father’s Day Card Messages

Right before Mother’s Day, I posted “Top Ten Rejected Mother’s Day Card Messages”. I guess it makes sense to have a similar list for Father’s Day card messages around Father’s Day. As said in the old posting, I know a friend who does all kinds of cards. He has gotten a lot of suggestions for the messages to print on Mother’s Day cards, and Father’s Day cards alike. There are a lot of good ones, but some have “limited market size”, and some are just ridiculous for the celebration of Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. He wanted to share some of these with others.

For “Top Ten Rejected Father’s Day Card Messages”, here we go:

Top Ten Rejected Father’s Day Card Messages

#10. I am proud to have a feminine father.

#9. Step dad treats me well and I love him more than any other man in the world.

#8. Sorry dad! I failed to convince mom to raise your allowance.

#7. Did you make mom a lesbian, or did mom make you a gay?

#6. I always admire you because no one else on Earth can stand mom.

#5. I feel I am so lucky that I am genius material like you, while little brother seems to be inheriting the dumb genes of mom and neighbor Mr. Lee.

#4. When in doubt, ask yourself: “What would Victor do?”

#3. Sometimes, I’d rather be an orphan.

#2. I trust that you are my real father, unless you are not.

And the number one rejected Father’s Day card message:
#1. I won’t listen to those who say you are the dumbest President of all times!

If you are a father, I hope you get something different from the above messages in your card. Happy Father’s Day!

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