Top 10 Things about Obama Being the New US President

After an election that seems to have lasted more than 4 years, Barack Obama has been elected as the 44th President of the United States. Finally, we can focus on things that actually matter. The election result is a big thing itself, and here are 10 big things associated with it. So, here we go:

Top 10 Things about Obama Being the New US President

10. Last year, “Chang’e” has left the Earth from China. Next year, “change” is supposed to arrive at America.

9. There will be less BU**SH** in the White House.

8. US-Taiwan relationship is now Obama-Ma.

7. All comedians are disappointed because it will be much more difficult to write jokes after January 20. Think about if Palin was elected!

6. The question is: Is he really a Black president, or just gray?

5. Hillary has to wait 8 years. Paris Hilton and the lipstick on a pig have to wait only 4.

4. Looking back, the only things that the VP Cheney did in the last 8 years were giving contracts to his old employers, being in undisclosed locations, and shooting a friend.

3. It is now “Obama and Biden” vs “Osama bin Laden”.

2. Finally after 8 years, there is a US VP with a good heart, pathologically speaking.

1. The predecessor has to think about presidential pardons but all he can think of is to pardon himself for being stupid for two terms.

Photo credit: Johan Viirok (Flickr/CC 2.0)

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