Shop Names in China

How many absurd shop names can you find in one night? Let’s explore the Shangxiajiu Commercial Pedestrian Street.


Pepsi is not famous for supporting sports. There is a 99.99% chance the brand is a fake.


If you doubt, the brand does not represent any Chinese words. I don’t think it is English, or French, or Italian, or Spanish… Gibberish should be banned from being used as brands.


This picture doubles the fun.

You ask: Who’s ass?
They reply: Giorj’s ass!

Come on! And is it Giorj’s butt or Giorj’s donkey?

And Danhuoli is pretending to be Dunhill, but the pronunciation has no resemblance to Dunhill’s.  The Chinese Name means Dunhill Group (Hong Kong) Company Limited. I doubt if it is a real company.



The Chinese characters of the store say “Authorized by Hong Kong Playboy International Company Limited”. We all know it is far from the truth. And, a playboy probably earns US$100,000 a year and a pizza boy would be lucky to earn 10% of the amount.


Another brand is Gibberish.



The name in Chinese is “Branded Good Discount Store”. They cut not only the prices but also the “dis” in “discount”.

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