Top 10 Things about Trump Being the President of USA

To the surprise of many people, Donald J. Trump is voted the President of the United States.  It is definitely going to change the political landscape.  Let’s see the Top Ten things about Trump voted as the POTUS.

Top 10 Things about Trump Being the President of USA:

10) Female leaders of other countries have to be careful when greeting Trump because instead of shaking hands he may be grabbing them by the “wrong body part”.

9) US will always have a trump card but the hands are always small.

8) The US Federal Government will have a more balanced budget because it will likely not pay its contractors.

7) We learn now that if we can fool enough people we can get any job we want.

6) As rumored, Pence will be in charge of both internal and external affairs while the only job Trump will be responsible for is to “Make America Great Again”.

5) Canada will build a wall at its border to prevent illegal American immigrants who try to flee from US from entering the country, and Canada will ask US to pay for it.

4) Because of the hardship of doing construction, the wall between US and Mexico (and also the wall between US and Canada) will be built by illegal immigrants from Mexico.

3) Mexico will not pay for the fxxking wall!

2) Gary Johnson wonders why he could not beat Trump while he thinks he is better than Trump in every way except he still does not know the name of any leader of another country.

1) The most anticipated sentence from the White House will be “Mike, you are fired!”.

Photo credit: Notions Capital (Flickr/CC 2.0)

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