Top Ten Reasons Why Trump Did Not Shake Hands with Merkel

In the news:

Angela Merkel Asked President Trump to Shake Hands. He Appeared to Ignore Her

How could that happen, you may ask.  These may be the reason.

Top Ten Reasons Why Trump Did Not Shake Hands with Merkel:

10. “Merkel has bigger hands!”

9. “Damn! I forgot to wash my hands after I peed.”

8. He was afraid to embarrass himself after the Trudeau shake.

7. He was waiting for Merkel to reach out first but forgot “America First”.

6. “I’m so handsome. I smile great. Beautiful… Let them share those pictures to Germany. A lot of pictures…”

5. “When they said I was meeting a German woman, I thought I was meeting Heidi Klum!”

4. “Where’s my phone? I need to tweet now! SAD!”

3. Small hands.

2. “No way! Germs-many…”

Ant the number one reason Trump did not shake hands with Merkel:
1. He wanted to ensure he did not grab Merkel by the wrong body part.

Photo credit: Notions Capital (Flickr/CC 2.0)

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